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Foreign resident? Singapore welcomes you!
Employment Pass ("EP") is the most common relocation option for foreigners who want to operate their business and move to Singapore. It’s a work visa that allows you to live and work as well as bring your family under Dependant’s Pass or Long Term Visit Pass. We can prepare your EP within 4-6 months and you don’t have to fly in until it’s ready. If you already have one and want to switch your EP to another employer or your new company, we’ll be happy to help you too.
Eligibility Criteria for Employment Pass Applications for Expatriate(s) / Knowledge / Skilled Worker(s):
The minimum requirements to apply for an expatriate post are as follows:
Degree and above, with at least 3 years’ experience in the relevant field;
Diploma, with at least 5 years’ experience in the relevant field;
Technical Certificate or equivalent, with at least 7 years’ experience in the relevant field;
Applicant must work in a managerial, executive or technical position which requires specific skills;
Applicant must meet the required salary requirements; and
Applicant must not take up work in a sector which is considered restricted by the Government of Singapore.
If the expatriate is only to act as a shareholder, these are the requirements:
Shareholder(s) must have a minimum of 30% equity in the company; and
Must be a ACRA-registered Director of the company and/or holds a key position in the company.
Talk with our expert?
Communicate with one of our professional team and get more information on EP/DP
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